Black Milk. Albion Beatnik 2016
Five interlinking stories about a twelve year old girl’s struggle with identity, sexuality, independence and shame.
Nicola G: You are a f**king genius. It’s brilliant, beautiful, heart breaking, illuminating, inventive. My breath was taken so many times. GENIUS!
Kirsty H: I read it in one sitting : stunning, gripping, heart-wrenching, deep dark soul-diving, powerful and painful.

Falling. Atlantic 2007
Toby Doubt is confused: his girlfriend has vanished from the face of the earth and generally things aren’t stacking up.
The Guardian: Clever and well-plotted, Falling is both a surreal comedy and a poignant study of grief desperately held at bay .
Independent: ‘Luminous … a cathartic insight into the power of love’.
Eve: ‘there’s a huge buzz about his debut novel … a great slow burn as Toby descends further into madness and the real reason for Imogen’s disappearance unravels’.
Kate Saunders, The Times: ‘this moving, funny first novel explores themes of change and loss within the framework of an eccentric London comedy’.
Anthony Gardner, Mail on Sunday: ‘the premise of the plot is an ingenious one and the ending has a haunting resonance’.
Elle: ‘an elegant comedy… great black comedy’.
Robert Gwyn Palmer, Westside: ‘a stunning debut in the style of Leslie Glaister and Julie Myerson – you will definitely be hearing more about Olivia Liberty’.

Cooler, Faster, More Expensive, the Return of the Sloane Ranger. Atlantic 2007
25 years on, whatever happened to the Sloane Ranger, the pearls and Barbour-wearing Hoorays of 1980s Middle England?
Sloane Square Magazine: ‘a rip-roaring read, observing with biting satire the habits, quirks and shopping tendencies of a whole new breed of Sloane’.
Country Life: ‘wonderfully witty and horribly riveting’
Daily Mail: ‘an intriguing social document. The British class system is revealed as a sort of national fancy dress party’.
Financial Times: ‘Plenty of clever perceptive material … an engaging book’.
The Scotsman: ‘funny and insightful’
Evening Standard: ‘A hoot’.