I offer two types of facilitation, both aimed at enabling the release of identification with patterning and conditioning, with the beliefs and structures which are causing limitation, repeat patterns and suffering.
I offer Inquiry, a client-led approach. Trained as a facilitator in Scott Kiloby’s Living Inquiries (2013), I hold a space of deep listening in which the client is gently guided to explore his or her experience, discovering how and why egoic structures got built, what maintains them, how they operate, how they cause limitation and suffering and whether they can now be released.
I also offer readings of ancestral patterning, conditioning and blocks. These sessions are designed to point the client in the direction of release, expansion and shift.
Free initial consultations via Skype or Zoom are available for you to decide whether either type of work is right for you.
Inquiry sessions are 60 minutes – 90 minutes depending on what arises. Readings are 45 -60 minutes.
Cost: £75 or £250 for a package of four.
Please use the contact form to get in touch.
What clients say:
This work gets to the core. Olivia helped me to release deep-seated trauma for which I am tremendously grateful.
AG, Oxford
Over the years I’ve had a few readings and whilst helpful, they didn’t get to the core of the issue. Olivia does and did, with great ease, compassion and gentleness.
PF, Nailsworth
I found Olivia at a time when I’d just found out breast cancer had spread and the terror I was experiencing was intensely unbearable. Within 2 sessions I was experiencing the flip side of that terror – beautiful opening, lightness and joy, despite circumstances. I’m sure that childhood trauma is a contributing factor if not the cause, and have spent a lifetime trying to resolve that trauma, but Olivia’s work is the only approach I have found that gets the whole ‘tap root’ out, giving me the experience of true transformation which so many things promise but don’t deliver. I’m eternally grateful for the gift of her skill, and her unshakable and unconditionally loving presence into which I can safely dive into the depths and resurface the better for it.